Facebook’s Status

With the stealth of a fully-fledged ninja, a man creeps silently through the underbrush. He peers cautiously over the field, and suddenly he realizes his precarious position. Only feet away, another man, haplessly unaware of the other’s presence, walks carelessly into danger without a qualm. Both of these men are maneuvering through a treacherous minefield, in which one false step could imperil and destroy both of them. Through the ignorance of the one, the other lies in just as great of a risk. Similarly, Facebook endangers all of its users who are not aware of the dangers that lurk within it. Those who are not aware of the potential for harm can cripple not only themselves, but their peers as well. Facebook may seem useful for strengthening your social standing at first, but appearances are wily masters of disguise. Deceptively hiding its hazards, Facebook poses many dangers to users, to companies, and to societies, dangers by which the naive networker and his companions could be thrown into a cauldron of troubles.


The essay is by Zachary Ash, a high school sophomore at Plymouth Christian High School, Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has an academic mind and excels in science and mathematics. Interested in computers, he plans on pursuing a career in computer engineering, programming, or some related field. He is actively involved in many of the youth group activities of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Church, Grand Rapids.

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